About us

G'day, pet lovers!

Welcome to Pet Avenue, where style meets wagging tails and purring purrsonalities! We’re more than just an online pet fashion store; we’re your pet’s new best mate when it comes to looking fabulous and feeling fantastic.

Pet Avenue was born out of a deep love for our furry friends and a passion for fashion. We’re an Australian-owned business, proudly bringing a touch of Down Under charm to the world of pet accessories.

From Sydney’s sparkling beaches to the Outback’s rugged beauty, our inspiration comes from the diverse landscapes and laid-back lifestyle of our beautiful country.


Why Choose Pet Avenue?

Choosing Pet Avenue means joining a community of pet lovers who value quality, style, and a good laugh.

We’re committed to making sure your shopping experience is as enjoyable as a sunny day at Bondi Beach. Plus, every purchase supports a local business that’s passionate about pets and their people.

So, grab a cuppa, have a browse, and let’s make your pet’s wardrobe as fabulous as they are. Thanks for stopping by Pet Avenue, where pets are family, and style is a way of life.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: to make your pets look as stylish as you do. We believe that every pet deserves to strut their stuff in high-quality, comfortable, and oh-so-stylish gear.

Whether your pooch needs a snazzy new collar for their next beach outing or your kitty wants to lounge in luxury, we’ve got you covered.

Our Promise

We’re dedicated to providing top-quality products that your pets will love. Our team is always on the lookout for the latest trends and the best materials to ensure your pets get nothing but the best.

Plus, we’re all about that good old Aussie hospitality, so you can count on us for friendly service and a helping hand whenever you need it.

The Pet Avenue Team